
Logo created by André Vaz. Used with permission.


Thank you for your interest in joining RUGGED!

TL;DR (Too Long Didn't Read):

  1. Read and follow the rules

  2. Join the platforms:

  3. Introduce yourself in the discord server

  4. Participate in an episode/session

  5. Get added to the members page

Step 1: Read and Follow the Rules

Please read through our rules, making sure you understand and agree to follow them.

If you have any questions feel free to email joao.filipe.santos@campus.ul.pt.

First Rule

Do not share confidential information (e.g., datasets with participants' personally identifiable information), or ask for solutions to class assignments.

Second Rule

Respect everybody. Don't reveal the identity of group members who want to remain anonymous, tolerate opposing views, keep the discussion civil. Be nice whenever possible, except if doing so infringes on the First Rule. Doing other people's assignments, or mentioning their name when they want to stay anonymous is not nice.

Third Rule

Respect the moderators' requests except if doing infringes on the First or Second Rules. Spoiler alert: the moderators are not going to ask you to break any of the above rules.

Step 2: Join the Platforms

Mailing List

Click here and ask to join our mailing list.

Note: Once you're in the mailing list you can send an email to all members by addressing it to rugged_mailing_list@googlegroups.com


Click this invitation link to join our discord server.

Note: If you don't have a discord account, you will have to create one.


Click here and ask to join our GitLab group.

Note: If you don't have a GitLab account, you will have to create one.

Asking for Help

Should you encounter any problems you can ask for help in our discord server. If you're having problems with discord you can email the mailing list instead. In case you can't join the mailing list nor discord, you can send an email with your questions to joao.filipe.santos@campus.ul.pt.

Step 3: Introduce Yourself

Now that you have joined our discord server, you can go over to the #introduce_yourself channel and tell us a bit about yourself.

Step 4: Participate in a Episode/Session

Checkout out our episode guide to see our upcoming episodes.

To participate on an episode, just go to the Session voice channel when the episode goes live.

Step 5: Get Added to the Members Page

Now that you are a part of RUGGED, should you wish to be featured on our members page, send us a photo and a short biography (three to five sentences) so we can add you to the page.

You can send the photo and bio through any of the platforms or directly to joao.filipe.santos@campus.ul.pt

Step 6: Contribute to Our Projects

To contribute to our projects you can look through the project list, and then head over to our GitLab group and open the corresponding project entry.

Once there (if you're logged in) you can comment on issues, open new ones, and submit merge requests.

Importantly, you do not have to be very experienced with R, git, GitLab or the other tools we use to contribute. There are less technical ways to help, for instance, commenting on discussions, giving feedback and suggestions, helping translate resources, etc... You can take a look at the open issues labeled "good first issue", for...well...a "good first issue" to get you started contributing to our projects.

If you're more comfortable with projects and/or tooling but don't know how you can help you can take a look at the open issues labeled "help wanted" for...well...a list of issues where help is wanted.

Please note that by contributing you're signing the DCO (Developer Certificate of Origin). Meaning, you're stating that you have the legal right to make the contribution (the contribution was made by you, or you otherwise have the right to submit it) under the applicable project's license/s. Also note that, unfortunately, right now, we do not have the means for paying for your time/work.