
Logo created by André Vaz. Used with permission.


Welcome to the RUGGED website!

Who Are We?

We are a group of R users mostly studying or working in psychology and related fields. Our personal research interests are quite diverse, the common thread is that we end up having some sort of quantitative data that we try to analyze in R. Our levels of experience and familiarity with R are also very different, as we accommodate people of all experience levels.

As long as you are willing to try to learn R, and you follow the rules, you're welcome to join us!

What's In a Name

RUGGED stands for R Users Grouped.

Sometimes using R and doing statistical analysis can be tough...in those times, us R users need to stick together and be RUGGED!

Join Us!

If you want to join RUGGED simply follow the instructions in the Onboarding page.

We're glad to have you!