An Amazing Title For an Amazing Template
An amazing abstract goes here
Keywords: Amazing, RMarkdown, Template
WARNING: using this is not for everyone, but we’re trying to make it as accessible as possible.
Normal text^superscript text^
This text should be inline with the level 4 heading but it is not.
This text should be inline with the level 5 heading but it is not.
You Should Write Header 4 as Regular Bold Text. This way the text following it will be inline.
You Should Do the Same for Header 5 But In Italics as Well This way the text following it will also be inline.
Putting it all together: F(df, df) = 999, p < .001, ηp2 = .999
Since you are using RMarkdown you can also use R to do some stats.
For example, you can report a mean and standard deviation, M = 50.33, SD = 42.72.
Tables are not 100% APA 7th compliant (e.g., the headers are not centered)…
But they should be close…
Table 1
Good enough table caption
good |
enough |
table |
example |
A |
Bold |
C |
D |
E |
F |
G |
H |
Italic |
J |
K |
M |
RUGGED (2022). An Amazing RMarkdown Template For SciOps. The Journal With the Greatest Impact Factor Ever, 999, 1-999.